Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Java VM GC optimization

First, you can try the latest G1 Garbage collection in JDK 7u4 and later:
-XX:+UseG1GC  (JDK 1.7u4) -
G1 GC give more predictable pauses and latency with large heaps.

Print GC statistics


In order to be informed of any latencies caused by gc, you need to turn on gc logging. This is the magic combination of switches that works well:

Other rich variant:


Good latency pattern


Here is the list of the recommended JVM settings for low latency & high throughput (JDK 1.6):

Aggressive memory and execution settings



Linux system tuning


Max number of opened files
your_username       soft    nofile  32768
your_username       hard    nofile  65536

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